Exhibitions: Wednesday, February 23 to Friday, February 25 from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 13:00 to 18:30 and Saturday, February 26 from 14:00 to 17:30
European Private Collections
Catalog and online auction onfwauction.com Idrouotlive.com Iinvaluable.com
Sale at FW AUCTION rue Dewez,29 - 5000 Namur according to the sanitary conditions in force
Experts : Anne Lajoix - Véronique Prévot - Elisabeth Maréchaux - Amélie Marcilhac - Philippe Fravelles - Jacques de Pas - Robert Eap - Alban Degrave - Pierre-Antoine Martenet
Simple shipping of lots via our partner companies throughout the world and repatriation to Paris 9e for medium and small size lots for a flat fee of 20 € per slip Free return for medium and small size lots to LILLE. Possibility of delivery by the auction house in Brussels on preliminary estimate.